Choosing The Path


I saw the surgeon today for a follow up appointment concerning my hip. In case you missed my news about the big decision I’m facing, you can go here to catch up.

Go on … have a look and I’ll be waiting when you get back.


Right … so now that you know all the gruesome details, let’s get back to my doctor’s visit. First, I want to explain for any American readers that in the UK, a surgeon is addressed as Mr, Mrs, or Miss instead of Doctor. After so many years of calling on physicians in my professional life, it’s tough to break the habit of saying Doctor when addressing my surgeon. Today I had an appointment to discuss the findings of my MRA and Mr Surgeon repeated how this surgery could make it possible for me to continue doing the things I enjoy. I went in with a ton of questions along with a good bit of research including this useful article.

Because I had spent so much time reading about the procedure, I went into the appointment thinking that I would not have the surgery, but just tough out the pain instead … knowing that eventually I would need to have a hip replacement at about sixty or so. I am a long way from sixty though and my conversation in the surgeon’s office made me reconsider the possibility of having the surgery.


John and I walked 105 miles of the TMB last year through the French, Swiss, and Italian Alps and we have been planning a return trip in September when I turn 50. These pictures are some of the images I captured last year. The surgeon thought without the surgery, activities like this along with running would need to be shelved and replaced with the more sedate form of exercise … swimming. Have I mentioned how much I really dislike swimming?

I’m including a few more pictures from the TMB (Tour du Mont Blanc) for you to see … while I go back to my research and try to make up my mind.  As always, your thoughts are appreciated.








11 thoughts on “Choosing The Path

  1. I work as a Nurse in a Rehabilitation ward here in Australia. A lot of patients have had TNK (total knee replacements) and THR (hips)

    Mainly they are older but we do still have some younger patients who are not prepared to sit and wait (or swim in your case) until they are 60 just to then regain their independance.

    What if you knew that you would be hit by a bus in 5 years time? If your life was flashing before you would you reconsider the choice you are making now?

    I have watched my parents delay coming to visit us here in Australia until the perfect moment only to have unexpected illness hit them in their 50’s which prevented them from travelling for a few years.

    My gut feeling is to tell you to consider surgery or whatever option it takes so that you can get back to your wonderfully active lifestyle, live every day to the full and enjoy life now…

  2. It’s such a tough decision to be facing, I hope it works out well whatever way you decide to go. If you have this op now, will it mean no operation later? If so maybe it’s better while you are younger and able to heal quicker.

  3. Do you think you should have your operation? I feel that a person like you who enjoys physical activity might find life very difficult to live on a restricted level!

  4. Oh so beautiful – I love getting lost in your photos. They have such a special quality about them.

    I have been busy and haven’t been to your blog in a couple of weeks – I am so sorry to hear that you have such a difficult decision to make. I wish I had some insight to offer, but I don’t know of anyone who has been through this, or who is facing this decision. I tend to agree with previous commenters. You do have such a wonderfully active lifestyle, and as hard as it would be to interrupt it with surgery now, it may be the best for the long run. I haven’t looked at all the medical info – just gut instinct says take care of it now, don’t wait. (I say that, but I am really bad about putting things off, and living with things that probably should be dealt with. I tend to avoid doctors)
    You are wise, and I know you will make the right decision. But oh how hard this must be for you!

  5. OH, I am praying for you and this decision. Only you and your hubby can know. I would simply think that at the good level of health and younger age you are at, that recuperation and rehab would be quicker now than later. But not easy.

  6. I don’t know what to advise on the medical front other than to do whatever you can to take care of yourself now while you are still young so that this is not a chronic or un-fixable situation ten y….and if you want impetus, go back and look at the beautiful pictures that you’ve shared with us and of your desire to walk this same route when you are 50 and ask youself what do I need to do to make that happen?

  7. Your photography is gorgeous, and makes me remember what it feels like to be standing in such splendor. I am snow trying to figure out how to get back there. I would love to know where your “Tour” took you specifically, if you would share. Especially the local wildlife shots of the cattle (so nonchalant and they look like they are saying “what are you looking at?”).

    Thank you for taking me on your trip.

    Your decision is a tough one. I’ve watched my Mum go through this as a 70 something year old woman and she has lost so much because she had already lost so much of her energy, zest for life, and endurance. My suggestion is to do it while you are young and healthy. Your endurance and strength now will help you to get through this and come back stronger.

  8. I never give advice,(!) but I say do it! You are young and fit and have the mental strength to recover quickly. I am sure you are also strong enough to ‘tough out the pain’; but as you’ve already said, that’s not always a good thing is it? Pain in one part of the body can often throw out another part, and you could end up with back or knee problems- referred problems I think the meds call it. Just my two cents- I wish you luck with your decision Elizabeth. Getting old is a bugger isn’t it?

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