Tree Climbing At Fifty & More From The American South

How ya’ll doing? Oops, look at that … here I am home less than a week and I am slipping back into my Georgia roots. John always teases me about how quickly I go back to sounding like a southern girl, (not that there’s anything wrong with it) when I’ve been on the phone with someone from home.

It’s most obvious after a chat with my stepmom Cullene, who hails from Alabama. My friends in the UK almost always try out their version of ‘ya’ll’ if they hear me use it in conversation which I tolerate with southern manners that would make my father proud.

I meant to post long before now having left you last Friday with the hopeful promise of another chapter of ‘ Dear Madame.’ I don’t know what I was thinking making a promise like that knowing what I had waiting for me at home. Let me show you what I’ve been doing instead of writing.

Working On My House

Fence Painting

If you haven’t painted a picket fence you are missing an experience. Actually, I wish I’d missed it too. After I debated about the merit of buying a power sprayer to paint it, I pulled out my paint roller and brushes and did it the old-fashioned way. Where is Tom Sawyer when you need him?

It may look like a small bit of fence, but after painting both sides it did not feel so small. Also, see the tree at the corner … that what I use when I’m climbing on the roof to knock the leaves off twice a year. I actually have a ladder, but prefer to climb the tree to get on the roof.

John didn’t want me to do it when he was with me at Christmas and even though I’ve done it for over ten years, I didn’t do it then as I did not want to worry him. When I went up this time, I had someone snap a few photos of my technique to share. I always like to have someone around to dial 911 should I fall in the process. So far my rock climbing skills have helped me get up every time.

Tree Climbing

Elizabeth Harper-Tree Climbing To Clean The Roof (Photo by C Taylor)

I like to go up barefoot as I feel more secure on the roof without shoes. The tree is a bit scratchy on bare feet, but I do it anyway.

Elizabeth Harper-Tree Climbing, Almost On The Roof (Photo by C Taylor)

This photo is so not pretty, but I’m sharing it so you can see how I made it to roof level.

Porch Painting

After I cleaned the roof, I took everything off the porch and painted the porch green including the trim on the columns. The tree I climbed in the photos above is behind the lattice screen at the far end.

Tree & Shrub Cutting

Once I had completed painting the fence and the porch, I trimmed the bushes and the trees and raked and bagged everything along with tying up some sticks for pickup.

Leaf Raking & Bagging

I moved on to work in the backyard raking and weeding and repainted the white garage doors and trim too. (You can’t see it in this photo)

Furniture Painting

While I was painting the garage doors, I gave my shabby chic porch furniture a bit a of paint, but not too much or else it wouldn’t look slightly shabby. I did some other things such as bagging some rubbish and leaves that were not mine, but I could see from the porch under the window of the green house next door.

Detective Work

I got a phone number from someone next door in order to call and complain about their yard man turning such a public space into a compost pile. The rubbish was mixed in with the leaves and revealed beer cans, a glass bottle, a couple of plastic cups, one metal fork and some plastic bags, none of which will degrade in my lifetime.

A few more small jobs and I was finished with my housework and on my way back to Cullene’s house. I was thrilled to accomplish so much and amazed how quickly I got it all done, but looking at my photos now, I regret not taking a moment to enjoy the porch swing.

Promise Making

Tomorrow’s Friday and you know what that means … I’m talking about the next chapter of ‘Dear Madame,’ not the royal wedding although I’ll be watching. Will you?

9 thoughts on “Tree Climbing At Fifty & More From The American South

  1. Wow, you’ve worn me out just reading this post. You got so much done, I’m impressed. We desperately need to get outside and finish off some yard work that we started but the storms have been making it impossible. We’re hoping to get outside this weekend and start tackling it if the sun decides to co-operate.

  2. What an adorable house. I came rushing over here thinking I’d missed the next episode of Dear Madame. Take your time and do what you must. We’ll be here. Are you okay there with all the tornadoes?

  3. I’m so glad that you and yours and safe and sound. I hope that the great job you did didn’t get undone with the storms? It’s a lovely house, esp. the porch!

  4. Hopefully your pretty street was not affected by the latest horrific storms – all looks good there in these pics. You certainly know how to get things done, but know John must have been holding his breath knowing you were up a tree AND walking around on the roof! A LOT of outdoor chores accomplished there, all looking fabulous. Love the porch and your vintage wicker – hope you get back for a swing while in town.

    Yes, I watched the wedding and loved every moment – made me proud to be a Brit They appear to be the perfect couple to bring Britain back to greatness – sadly it may be after my time!

    I’ll be off on Friday – crossing the pond all night, you’re getting familiar with that trip, hopping off next morning in our ‘green and pleasant land’. Still disappointed we’ll miss seeing each other this trip – hopefully next time!

    Have a great visit home.
    Hugs – Mary

  5. Wish I had your energy and tenacity. The house looks great, what a wonderful porch your tenants are very lucky. If you’re looking for a job when you get home……

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